Here at Exeter Martial Arts (EMA) we pride ourselves as being the premier Traditional Martial Arts dojo in the South West. Our traditional Martial Arts stemmed from ancient Japan and have been passed down through many generations of martial artists. As well as their rich history they are still very relevant to us today, not only as fantastic self defence but also as a great way of building fitness and wellbeing.
We are a British Jiu Jitsu Association (Sport England Governing Body) centre of Excellence which is spearheaded by Dr Rich Catterick (6th Dan) and his black belt team. Jiu Jitsu remains a fantastically relevant Martial Art for today, as a great form of self defence.

Kenjutsu (literally translated means ‘sword art’) teaches techniques that entail the use of bladed weapons. We train in the Kaze Arashi Ryu style of Kenjutsu.

We run several programmes for Exeter College and its students. The Jiu Jitsu club is one of the most popular enrichment activities in the college.

Jiu Jitsu is a traditional Japanese martial art which relies on technique rather than strength to defend against one or multiple opponents of any size, weight, and gender.
Our hugely popular classes focus on learning how to use an opponent’s size and strength against them, while having a great work out with a friendly group of people.
Added to this we have two thriving traditional weapons classes. These being Japanese swordsmanship and Okinawan weapons (Kobujtsu).
In the words of the great Don Draeger these arts are about ‘self preservation’ with a strong focus on self defence and traditional battlefield application.
Our highly qualified instructors welcome new members, so if you’re not sure if traditional martial arts at EMA is for you, why not come along and give it a try? We offer a free no commitment taster session to anyone keen to get involved in our fantastic gym.

Okinawan Kobujutsu refers to the weapon system of the Okinawan arts, including the 6-foot staff Rokushakubo), dagger-shaped truncheon (Sai), among others.
01392 663000